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Sentiment Analyzer

Use sentiment analysis to quickly detect
emotions in text data.

Word Cloud

Word Cloud

Play around with our sentiment analyzer, below:

Customer Review

Sentiment Analysis Result

Text Actual Sentiment Sentiment
0 Articulated trucks is good Positive Positive
1 Backhoe loaders is average Neutral Neutral
2 Draglines is bad Negative Negative
3 Drills is better Positive Positive
4 Pipelayers has to be improved Neutral Positive
5 Motor Graders is good Positive Positive
6 Track loaders is average Neutral Neutral
7 Road reclaimers is good Positive Positive
8 Telehandlers is bad Negative Negative

Get sentiment insights like these:

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Sentiment analysis benefits:


Quickly detect negative comments & respond instantly


Improve response times to urgent queries by 65%


Take on 20% higher data volume


Monitor sentiment about your brand, product, or service in real time